How do I share my images?

You can To share your X-rays and scans securely with anybody, anywhere by generating a quick share code.  Simply follow these instructions and share the link with family, friends or medical professionals.

From your mobile device...

  1. Sign into your account using your mobile number or email address
  2. Select the scan you wish to share
  3. Tap the 'Share' button. This will take you to the 'Quick Share' screen.
  4. Specify the number of days you wish to share your scans
  5. Click the 'SUBMIT' button
  6. On the next screen, your secure share URL will be displayed.  Tap 'Share'
  7. Select how you want to share the URL - for example SMS - and send
  8. Ask the recipient to visit the 'quick-share' site using the URL you sent them.  They will need to know your date of birth to access the images.

From your desktop...

  1. Sign into your account using your mobile number or email address
  2. For the scan you wish to share, click the 'Share' button. This will take you to the 'Quick Share' screen.
  3. Specify the number of days you wish to share your scans
  4. Click the 'GENERATE' button
  5. On the next screen, your quick share code and quick share link (URL) will be displayed.  Click 'COPY' to copy the URL to your clip board.
  6. Paste the quick share link (URL) into an email, and send to the correct recipient.
  7. Ask the recipient to visit the 'quick-share' site using the URL you sent them.  They will need to know your date of birth to access the images.

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